The Pale Blue Eye (2022)


The Pale Blue Eye has some really interesting moments and a great Harry Melling performance, but it outstays its welcome and suffers in terms of plot contrivances.

The setting is gorgeously chilly, the mystery is intriguing and the bodies pile up. There’s a great cast keeping things afloat, although everyone feels underused apart from Bale and Melling. His portrayal of Edgar Allen Poe is the highlight of the film, but at the same time, it can be seen as the main weakness. Because we all know his real-life influence as a gothic writer, it isn’t compelling when his character is in danger because we know he obviously survives to tell the tale. This sadly makes the film only mildly interesting, rather than the complex and captivating story that director and scriptwriter Scott Cooper thinks it is.

Overall, I would have enjoyed The Pale Blue Eye more if it was 30 minutes shorter, the script was a bit leaner and if Christian Bale’s character was better written. But if you are into the gothic stylings of Poe’s work you may get some joy out of it.

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