The Zone of Interest (2024)


Years from now, when scholars and film enthusiasts discuss films that masterfully balance the mundanity and disturbingness of evil, The Zone of Interest will no doubt be mentioned as a seminal reference. Director Jonathan Glazer’s unique approach to shooting and crafting the film, coupled with a truly unsettling soundtrack, contextualises the pure evil and ignorance of Nazis as completely detached individuals. The film’s UK release in 2024, coinciding with the gross injustices suffered by people on both sides of Israel and Palestine makes it all the more horrifying.

The film’s meticulously crafted sound design is a testament to Glazer’s mastery. Seemingly random screams and gunshots are deftly woven into the fabric of the film, creating an eerie and deeply unsettling experience for the viewer. This disturbing atmosphere is further amplified by the haunting scenes of children re-enacting the brutality they witness from their windows. A prime example of this is the chilling greenhouse encounter between two brothers, which serves as a poignant and unforgettable moment in the film.

The Zone of Interest serves as a stark and necessary reminder of the unparalleled evil of the Holocaust, the depths of human cruelty, and the far-reaching impact of such atrocities. In the context of 2024, the film’s unflinching portrayal of the inhumanity of state occupation and collective punishment resonates with a piercing truthfulness. By drawing parallels between the horrors of the past and the ongoing injustices in Palestine, Glazer’s film underscores the urgent need for humanity and action in the face of violent injustice.

Sandra Hüller’s riveting performances in two morally complex roles over the past six months cement her status as an actress of unparalleled talent and versatility. As her star continues to ascend, I can only eagerly anticipate her future projects. On a similar note, we can only hope that the wait for Jonathan Glazer’s next cinematic endeavour will not span another ten or so years. While The Zone of Interest is undeniably challenging to watch, its uncompromising worldview and elite craftsmanship are impossible to ignore. History will indeed thank Glazer for his courageous storytelling and for using his Oscars speech to express his shame, as a British Jew, over Israel’s ongoing actions.

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